
(We are working on a new version of this documentation. Please, bear in mind that we don’t have the man power to update it as quickly as we should, but in less than a month, this page will match the current App screen and features).

1. General

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The screen provides an overview of some generic information about the device.

a. Device Name

Displays your Device’s Name (as configured via iTunes);

b. Model Name

Gives the user friendly device model name, such as “iPhone 4”, “iPad Mini GSM”, “iPad 3 (Global)”, etc;

c. Storage Details

Display details about the storage and filesystems of the iOS device.

  • /private/varMount point for /dev/disk0s1s2 (user’s data partition). This is a bit different from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, where it should be at /var, but a symlink placed at /var redirects to this point, giving some compatibility. It is the largest of the two partitions, and stores all iTunes AppStore applications, media, settings, photos, etc. Before version 1.1.3 of the old iPhone OS (now called iOS), all this information were stored in /private/var/root. For security reasons, in iPhone OS 1.1.3, Apple made most applications to run under the user ‘mobile’, and moved all data to /private/var/mobile.
  • /DeveloperBy default, this folder is empty. Only when you connect your device to XCode, and active the “Use for Development” option, the content of a ‘DeveloperDiskImage.dmg’ is decompressed by /usr/libexec/mobile_image_mounter into this partition.
  • /
    Primary hierarchy root and root directory of the entire file system hierarchy.
  • /dev
    Device Nodes, common to any Unix/Linux systems. Content is read-only, because it’s files actually do not exist, and are transparently handled by the kernel.


d. Total Storage

Resumed total storage capacity (like “57.29 GB”);

e. Available Storage

Resumed available storage, with the relative percentage;

f. Storage in Use

Shows the storage space being used. This field (and available storage) are periodically refreshed; For precise details, check the “Storage Details” screen.

g. Model Number

Model identifier number. In the case of the “iPhone 5”, it may be A1428 (for the North America model), or A1429 (International model). This value is printed on the back of the device, and cannot be retrieved by the app (so it correlates hardware model with model number). In the specific case of the “iPhone5,1” (GSM) there are two models (A1428, A1429). The “iPhone5,2” (CDMA) is correlated only to the A1429.

h. Hardware Model

Hardware Model. An example return value is “N41AP” for an iPhone 5 unit.

i. Hardware Machine

Hardware machine model value, returned by “hw.machine” sysctl call (programmatically).

j. First Release

The date of the model’s commercial release (generally corresponds to the relase date to US);

k. Announced

The date of the model’s public announcement;

l. System Up Since

Last boot time.

m. Uptime

Time since last boot.

n. Initial OS Version

Lowest iOS (or older iPhone OS) supported by the device;

o. Latest OS Version

Latest iOS version supported by the model. When new releases of iOS are announced, this field may change (through a software update); When a new version is released, the application will try to update it automatically.

2. Display

Shows information about the screen capabilities and GPU specifications.
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a. Size

Diagonal screen size. The value is shown in the selected unit mode (imperial/metric);

b. Resolution

Screen resolution, in the format (pixels height x pixels width – for Portrait Orientation), for example “480×320”, “1024×768”, “2048×1536”;

c. Pixels

Gives the number of pixels in the screen;

d. Density

Display density in pixels per inch;

e. Aspect Ratio

Proportional relationship between the screen height and width. Common return values are “4:3” and “16:9” (widescreen);

f. Color Depth

Also known as bits per pixel, or bit depth, represents the amount of bits used to determine the color information of a single pixel in the frame buffer of the device. More bits encodes a larger amount of colors, with better precision and gamut; Older devices used 18 bits per pixels (which corresponded to 262,144 colors), while latest devices uses 24 bits per pixels (16,777,216 colors).

g. Amount of colors

Number of colors that the display is able to represent. This value correlates directly with 2.f. (Color Depth);

h. Contrast Ratio

Ratio of luminance between the blackest and the whitest colors possibly shown on the screen.

i. Display Type

Type of display technology. The first generation iPhone used a Twisted Nematic Thin Film Transistor LCD, an active matrix liquid crystal technology, while the iPhone 5, for instance, uses a LCD IPS TFT (In-Plane Switching Thin Film Transistor LCD), which improves both viewing angles and color reproduction;

j. GPU Model

Model of the Graphics Processing Unit of the device. All Apple iOS devices uses a GPU chip to accelerate graphics power. In most cases, the supplier of these units is PowerVR, from British group Imagination Technologies plc.

k. GPU Cores

Amount of cores in the GPU die. More cores gives more graphics performance.

l. GPU Clock

Internal clock speed of the GPU circuitry. Higher clocks does not necessary corresponds to better performance, since there are more important parameters to consider (such as architecture and GPU cores).

m. Latest OpenGL Version

Latest version of the OpenGL ES API nativelly supported by the GPU model.

3. Dimensions

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Lists physical size information and weight. All units are shown in metric or imperial units, accordingly to the active configuration.


a. Width;

Precise width of the model.

b. Height;

Precise height of the model.

c. Depth;

Depth of the device model.

d. Weight;

Weight of the model.

4. CPU

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Provides specifications and status of the device’s System on Chip (that includes the processor, controllers and interfaces).


a. CPU Usage

Displays a real-time graph displaying the history of load on each CPU core (when running on a multicore device).
The setting “Force One CPU Graph” forces this section to use only one graph for all CPU load (instead of using one for each core).

I. Usage

Percentage of CPU Load. Shown for overall CPU Load, and for each individual core.

II. Idle

System idle instantaneous proportion, in percentage.

b. CPU Name

Name of the current CPU/System on chip model. Since 2010, Apple created a line of SoCs, with the Apple A4.

c. CPU Cores

Number of CPU cores.

d. CPU Core Base

Base microarchitecture of the current CPU model. All devices are ARM compatible, while the latest implements a custom set of the ARMv7 architecture.


e. CPU Actual Clock

CPU Nominal Clock speed.

f. CPU Current Clock

Precise clock of the CPU (frequency retrieved by system control APIs).

g. CPU Maximum Clock

Maximum clock of the CPU model, or the core base. In some cases the clock is automatically adjusted accordingly to the CPU Load, while in other cases, a higher clock can be achieved using special tools (in a jailbroken device). This practice is not endorsed by Lirum Labs, as it may damage your unit, and void your warranty.

h. Manufacturing Process

The fabrication process for a processor changes accordingly to the length of each nanocell (the minimum stackable semiconductor block). With a smaller block, transistors and other basic components shrink in size, while keeping logic behavior. Power consumption and heating decreases, while the performance is kept. Also, with smaller sizes, more transistors fit in the die (if a different architecture is chosen). For Apple devices, this value ranges from 90nm to 32nm.

i. CPU Pipeline Depth

Pipeline allows multiple instructions to be processed at each clock cycle, in different stages of execution. Without this technique, each instruction would have to wait for the previous one to be completed before starting. The circuitry of a CPU core is usually composed of distinct stages, responsible for instruction loading, register memory access, arithmetic and others. By using pipelines, multiple instructions are executed at the same time on the same core, each in a different stage (while the first instruction is already sending it’s result to the outer memory, the next is being calculated in the Arithmetical and Logic Unit and another is already being loaded and enqueued).

j. Cache L1

The Level 1 Cache is the fastest memory buffer, closest to the processor. Latest devices have 64 kB of Level 1 cache, splitted in 32 kB of instruction cache and 32 kB of data cache.

k. Cache L2

Level 2 Cache is slower than L1, but much faster than normal RAM memory.

l. Instruction Set

Set of hardware level assembly commands. Operation codes (opcodes) are the basic instructions performed by the CPU, and every program is ultimately compiled in this set. Higher sets contains more advanced hardware level commands, significantly increasing overall performance.

m. CPU Issue Width

Issue width or Window size, is the maximum amount of instruction that can be issued in the same clock cycle. Providing more than one issue width greatly enhances performance along with the pipeline depth.

n. Out of Order Execution

Avoids waste of clock cycles in a sequence of instructions, when given instruction is dependent on the result of a previous one (for instance). This feature allows the processor to handle commands based on the availability of input data, rather than by their original order in the program.

o. Designed by

The Company that created the structure and design of the CPU.

p. Manufacturer

The Company that owns the CPU factory.

5. System

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This panel displays detailed system and memory information.


a. Memory Details

The memory details displays a dashboard of the current memory status map. The division between Active, Wired, Inactive and Free memory is updated in realtime. The sum of all four pie graph slices equals the amount of RAM installed on the device.

  • Free: Unused RAM.
  • Wired: Portion of RAM that can’t be moved to the persisted storage. Usually it is the memory used by the iOS and can’t be allocated to other applications.
  • Active: Memory currently in use by running applications.
  • Inactive: Memory that has been recently used by an application. If such application is opened again, it will open quickly. When the device is running out of free memory, this portion will be reclaimed by other processes.
i. [iPad] – Process List
ii. Memory Release

The button attempts to release more memory, increasing the “Free” portion of the graph.

b. Process List

Returns the list of running processes. Each line contains details of the process. By clicking the row, a windows is shown with more details. The list can be sorted / grouped by PID, User, PPID, Priority, Runtime and Name.


  • PID – Process ID – numerical identification of the process.
  • PPID – Parent Process ID – PID of the process that invoked this one.
  • Process Name – Description / name of the process.
  • User – This field displays both the User ID (numerical) and the username under the running process. Normally, user ID 0 (zero) corresponds to the root user, while 501 corresponds to the mobile user.
  • Priority – The process priority value corresponds to the Unix “nice value” of the process. Lower numbers represents higher priority.
  • Started – Timestamp of the moment when the process started.
  • Running for – Returns the running time for the process.

c. System Log

Displays content from the Apple System Log facility. This information is useful for debugging and forensics, containing a number of information such as internal exceptions, debug messages, firewall and login messages, installation and privilege escalation. The list can be sorted by Timestamp, sender, level and PID. Some of the fields below are optional:

  • Level – The priority level of the message ranges from 0 to 7, being zero the highest:[table]
    Log Level Description
    Level 0 Emergency
    Level 1 Alert
    Level 2 Critical
    Level 3 Error
    Level 4 Warning
    Level 5 Notice
    Level 6 Info
    Level 7 Debug


  • ASLMessageID – ID of the message (64 bit number).
  • ASLExpireTime – Expiration time for the message.
  • Sender – Identification string of the sender. Normally, the process name.
  • Facility – Sender’s facility. This information is shown in the first line as well.
  • Time – Timestamp of the message.
  • TimeNanoSec – Unix timestamp value.
  • PID – ProcessID fo the sender.
  • UID – User ID that sent the message.
  • ReadUID – User read access (-1 is any group).
  • Session – Session, set by the launchd process.
  • Message – The message of the log item.


Unique Device Identifier – is a sequence of 40 characters that identify your device.

This field were removed since version 2.0. Read out more here.

e. Bus Frequency

Clock speed of the system bus.

f. Bus Width

Amount of data transported by the system bus in each clock cycle.

g. Memory

Total amount of RAM installed.

h. Memory Clock

Bus frequency of the memory subsystem.

i. Memory Type

Memory technology. At this time, there are two types of RAM in use: LPDDR and LPDDR2. LPDDR – Low Power Double Data Rate, is also known as mDDR – mobile DDR. LPDDR2 is a dramatically revised version, usually with better power consumption and clock speeds.

6. Connectivity

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Displays all information regarding connectivity options (Wireless, Bluetooth, Cellular, etc)


a. Connections List

Shows a list of active sockets for each protocol.
Local: IP of the client side of the socket.
Remote: IP of the remote side of the socked.
Hostname: DNS that points to the remote IP specified.
Status: Socked state. The sphere icon color at the left hand site of the row, changes accordingly to the state.

  • CLOSED: Socket is not in use.
  • LISTEN: Socket is listening for incoming connections.
  • SYN_SENT: Socket is actively trying to establish a connection to the remote peer.
  • SYN_RCVD: Socket has passively received a connection request from a remote peer.
  • ESTABILISHED: Socket has an established active connection between a local application and a remote peer.
  • CLOSE_WAIT: Socket has been closed by the remote peer, and the system is waiting for the local application to close its half of the connection.
  • LAST_ACK: Socket has been closed by the remote peer, local application closed its half, and the system is waiting for the remote peer to acknowledge the closing.
  • FIN_WAIT_1: Socket closed by the local application, remote peer has not yet acknowledged the closing, and the system is waiting for it to close its half of the connection.
  • FIN_WAIT_2: Socket closed by the local application, remote peer acknowledged the closing, and the system is waiting for it to close its half of the connection.
  • CLOSING: Socket closed by the local application and the remote peer simultaneously, and the remote peer has not yet acknowledged the close attempt of the local application.
  • TIME_WAIT: Socket closed by the local application, remote peer closed its half of the connection, and the system is waiting to be sure that the remote peer received the last acknowledgement.


b. External IP

Retrieves the external IP address of the device. By touching this cell, the app recalculates it. If the connection is too slow or instable, it may fail. You may just retry by touching the cell again.

c. Wireless IP

Client IP of the device, only available when it is connect to a wireless network.

d. Wireless MAC

MAC Address of the adapter. The information is immutable, however it can only be accessed when the device is connected to a wireless network.

e. Cell Network IP

IP address of the cellular data connection.

f. Wifi Sent

Total data sent via wifi since the last boot.

g. Wifi Received

Total data received via wifi since the last boot.

h. WWAN Sent

Total data sent via cell network since the last boot.

i. WWAN Received

Total data received via cell network since the last boot.

j. Wifi 802.11b

Flag that indicates the support to wireless-b (IEEE 802.11b-1999). Maximum raw data rate of this version is 11 Mbit/s.

k. Wifi 802.11g

Flag that indicates the support to wireless-g (IEEE 802.11g-2003). Works under 2.4 GHz band, with a maximum data rate of 54 Mbit/s, average 22 Mbit/s.

l. Wifi 802.11n

Flag that indicates the support to the latest wireless-n (IEEE 802.11n-2009). Works under 2.4 and 5 GHz, with a maximum data rate of 600 Mbit/s.

m. Bluetooth Version

Latest version of the Bluetooth protocol supported by the device’s hardware.

n. Bluetooth A2DP

Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile. Allows streaming of audio data over a Bluetooth connection.

o. Bluetooth PBAP Profile

Phone Book Access Profile support (only available on iPhone devices). Allows the device to share phone book objects with other devices, such as a car kit (for example, to display the number/name of the incoming caller, or to start a call from the car display).

p. Bluetooth PAN Profile

Personal Area Networking Profile – also known as piconet, allows some devices to interconnect in an ad-hoc network.

q. Bluetooth HID Profile

Human Interface Device Profile, allows the unit to connect with accessories like keyboards or other peripheral devices.

r. Bluetooth HFP 1.5

Hands-free profile, version 1.5 – allows car hands-free kits to communicate with the device.

s. Bluetooth EDR

Enhanced Data Rate – Released with the 2.0 version of the Bluetooth protocol, allows faster data transfer. (about 2.1 to 3 Mbit/s in version 2.0 – previous version allowed a maximum bandwidth of 721 kbit/s).

t. Bluetooth AVRCP

Audio/Video Remote Control Profile – allows control of music or video playback, and the display of music metadata information (artist name, track name, etc).

u. 2G GSM

GSM 2G Band frequencies supported by the cellular hardware.

v. 2G CDMA

CDMA 2G Band frequencies supported by the cellular hardware.

x. 3G GSM

GSM 3G Bands.

y. 3G CDMA

CDMA 3G Bands.

z. LTE

Long Term Evolution (4G) band frequencies supported.

aa. LTE 4G Max Download Speed

Maximum nominal data rate of the 4G hardware.

ab. LTE 4G Max Upload Speed

ac. CDMA Types

CDMA versions and protocols supported (such as cdmaOne, CDMA2000, EV-DO).

ad. GPRS Support

Package data service for 2G and 3G networks. General Packet Radio Service.

ae. EDGE Support

Phone technology that allows better transmission rates than GPRS. Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution.

af. UMTS Support

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, cellular network system based on the GSM standard. Displays the support for the HSPA, HSDPA and DC-HSDPA protocols.

ag. EDGE Max Download Speed

Maximum download speed under an EDGE connection.

ah. EDGE Max Upload Speed

Maximum upload speed under an EDGE connection.

ai. DC-HSDPA Max Upload Speed

Maximum download/upload speed under a cell network that supports Dual Cell High Speed Downlink Packet Access protocol.

aj. HSDPA Max Download Speed

Maximum download speed under HSDPA.

ak. HSUPA Max Upload Speed

Maximum upload speed under a High Speed Uplink Packet Access.

al. CDMA Rev A Max Speed

Maximum Speed under a CDMA Rev A network (when supported).

am. CDMA Rev B Max Download

Maximum donwnload speed under a CDMA Rev B network (when supported).

an. Maximum Cellular Upload

Overall maximum upload speed over a cellular network. Returns the network type as well (LTE, HSUPA, etc).

ao. Maximum Cellular Download

Analogous to the previous speed, shows the overall maximum download speed.

ap. SIM Card Format

Format code of the Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) card. Ranges from 1FF to 4FF (Full-sized SIM to nano-SIM);

aq. SIM Card Slot

Name of the SIM Card Format (mini-SIM, micro-SIM, nano-SIM)

ar. Nike+

Built-in support for the Nike+ iPod Sports Kit hardware.


7. Camera

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Specifications of all camera and lens of the device.

a. Back Cam Resolution

Resolution of the back camera in Megapixels.

b. Back Cam Pixels

Resolution of each landscape oriented photo taken with the back camera, in the format width x height.

c. Back Cam Total Pixels

Amount of pixels of the back camera.

d. Back Cam Focal Ratio

Ratio of the lens focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. This value corresponds to the lens speed, and impacts depth of field, sharpness, color aberrations and light absorption. Higher values are better (as the field is represented by a fraction denominator, f/2.4 is higher and better than f/2.8).

e. Front Cam Resolution

Resolution of the front facing camera in Megapixels.

f. Front Cam Pixels

Resolution of each landscape oriented photo taken with the front camera.

g. Front Cam Total Pixels

Number of pixels in a photo taken with the front camera.

h. Tap to Focus

Tap to focus feature.

i. Macro Focus

Ability to focus small close objects.

j. White Balance

Color Temperature adjustment feature.

k. IR Filter

Infrared cut-off filter, blocks mid-infrared wavelengths, giving pictures more natural looking images.

l. Geo tagging

Ability to include GPS location information on the photo.

m. Face Detection

Automatic face detection feature: The software focus on the most prominent face and balance exposure across up to 10 close faces.

n. LED Flash

LED Flash availability on the back camera.

o. HDR

High Dynamic Range Imaging – when available combines a set of computation and photographic methods to improve the dynamic range between the lightest and darkest areas of an image, resulting in a more accurate representation of light levels.

p. Video Resolution

Maximum recording resolution of the primary camera.

q. Video Resolution FPS

Maximum amount of frames per second captured during a video recording.

r. LED Video Light

Availability of LED illumination during video recording (using the LED Flash component).

s. Video Stabilization

Reduces shaking during video recording.

8. Battery

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Displays battery specifications and battery life estimations in various usage situations.

a. Estimated Battery Life

Given the current battery level, estimates how much time it will last in each usage scenario. If the battery is old or defective, you may want to fix its health in the settings panel.


  • Talk Using 3G
  • Browsing on Wifi
  • Browsing on 3G
  • 2D Game
  • 3D Game
  • Audio playback
  • Video playback
  • GPS navigation
  • Reading iBooks
  • Standby

b. Type

Battery technology type. In most cases, lithium-ion polymer.

c. Capacity

Nominal capacity of the battery in mili ampere-hours.

d. Full Voltage

Battery voltage, when in full charge.

e. Energy

Amount of energy available (in watt hours).

f. Energy (SI)

Amount of energy in Joules.

9. Sensors

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Information about the device’s sensors

a. GPS

Displays the current detailed output of the GPS unit. By clicking the “Show Map“ button, the coordinates will be shown in a map, along with the reverse geocoding (Street Address, zip code, country, etc).


  • Latitude – shown in decimal (23.566376°) and degree format (23° 33′ 58.9526”);
  • Longitude;
  • Speed;
  • Position Accuracy – reports the tolerance of the latest reading. Lower values indicates better precision.
  • Altitude – referential altitude measured against sea level.
  • Updated – timestamp of the latest reading.

b. Accelerometer

Returns real-time feedback of the accelerometer. It detects the position of the device by comparing gravity in each axis. A perfectly resting device will measure an acceleration of 1g (9.80665 m/s2) in the aligned axis. Each line represents one.

c. Magnetometer

Returns real-time feedback of the magnetometer (electronic compass). The device reports intensity and direction of magnetic fields, in each tridimensional axis. The values are shown in Teslas. A message will be shown if the device does not support it.

d. Gyroscope

Returns real-time feedback of the gyroscope device. It measures orientation, detecting changes in external torque associated with angular momentum. Values are shown in radians per second. A message will be shown if the device does not support it.

e. Proximity sensor

Proximity sensor availability.

f. Gyroscope

Presence of a gyroscope hardware.

g. Ambient Light Sensor

Presence of an ambient light sensor. Up until this point, only available on iPhone models.

h. Accelerometer

Availability of an accelerometer.

i. A-GPS Support

Assisted GPS – Improves startup performance (the time required for the GPS to acquire satellite signals), by downloading orbital data from a network. Without this feature, a standalone receiver may take up to 12 minutes to get a fix (time to retrieve almanac and ephemeris data from the satellites).

j. GLONASS Support

Russian Global Navigation Satellite System.

k. Digital Compass

Flags the presence of a digital compass (magnetometer).

10. Other Informations

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Temperature and altitude information shown in metric or imperial units, accordingly to the settings panel.

a. Operating Temperature

Recommended operating ambient temperature.

b. Nonoperating Temperature

Nonoperational ambient temperature.

c. Maximum Operating Altitude

d. Relative Humidity

Range of relative humidity

e. SAR – Head (US)

Specific Absorption Rate for the head (United States FCC)

f. SAR – Body (US)

Specific Absorption Rate for the body (United States FCC)

g. SAR – Head (EU)

Specific Absorption Rate for the head (Council of the European Union)

h. SAR – Body (EU)

Specific Absorption Rate for the body (Council of the European Union)

11. Compare Devices

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This screen allows detailed comparison of two devices.


This screen allows comparison of two device models, showing hundreds of specifications, and highlighting the best ones. To change the devices in each side, just click on the large title, where the device model’s name resides.

Disclaimer: This comparison is for reference purpose only. While the data is as accurate as possible, some kinds of comparison may not be relevant (such as battery voltage, or even capacity) as other variables have to be taken into consideration. Another example, is the CPU Clock, that does not dictate the performance alone, but only with Core Count, Architecture, Manufacturing Process, Cache Sizes, etc.